Friday, January 27, 2012

Professional Facebook Page

As technology continues to advance and with it, the continuing evolution of social media, simple resumes and interviews are no longer the only items on an employers checklist. Thus, I've decided to make a Facebook page containing my resume and other pertinent information an employer might want to know should they search me on the internet. Although the resume page is on Facebook, it is nonetheless a potential boost that could allow me that certain foot-in-the-door opportunity into the field I am so passionate about. Therefore, I had to maintain a certain formality throughout the page. 

I have heard that as part of the selection process, some employees have to provide the number of followers they maintained on Twitter. I cannot confirm the amount of truth in this statement but it still seems like quite an intimidating piece of data to ask for. Then again, it is practically the same idea as asking an artist on Youtube how many subscribers they have. Employers are taking advantage of the basically free information floating about on the internet which provides me greater chances of potentially "showing myself off", albeit in a subtler way. Since this "resume" is a Facebook page, the global public will be able to comment and subscribe to what I post. It appears that positive comments and increasing subscribers are, nowadays, just as good, if not better, than the passing of information through "word of mouth". 

Here is a link to my Flickr page. 

Becky's extensive posts are perfect examples of how blogs can also be used to present yourself to potential employers. 

Here are some more creative ways to "write" a resume: 


  1. Oh wow, if I was ever asked by an employer for a Twitter following I'm sure I wouldn't get picked! I agree with you that Facebook could be the way of the future. Since your employer may check your Facebook before hiring you anyway, why not make it impressive! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I really enjoyed your point of view on an employer asking about your twitter followers!! However, it is definitely helpful to look at the positive aspects of allowing future employers the chance to look at the different internet accounts that us as individuals have. I love the content but I wish that there was a title so that I could know what you were going to talk about in this post. However, other then that I really love your point of view on this topic! Thanks!
